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Reporting your child's absence

Although nursery education is non-statutory, we want to encourage all families to start forming good habits for attendance.  Families often tell us that their children love coming to nursery and even want to come at the weekends and during the holidays!

We want to encourage your child to attend every day.

However, if your child is sick and cannot attend nursery, you can call 01473 742534 and select option 0.  You will be able to leave a message for the office team to pick up.

You can also report an absence on your Famly app.

What to do if your child is sick

If your child needs Calpol, we do not feel they are well enough to attend nursery.  

If your child has had sickness or diarrhoea, we ask you to keep your child off from nursery until they have been well for 48 hours.  Very young children are 'super transmitters' of germs and we want to make sure all the children and staff stay as healthy as possible.

If you are not sure whether you should bring your child to nursery, please call the office and we will be happy to talk it through with you.

If your child is absent for more than a day and you have not notified us, a member of staff will call you to check you are all okay.

Are you planning a holiday?

Although nursery is non-statutory, we would ask that you come in and talk to us if you are planning a term time holiday.