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Stronger Practice Hub

The East of England Early Years Stronger Practice Hub is one of 18 DfE designated Stronger Practice Hubs across England.  The East of England Hub will cover Suffolk, Norfolk and Cambridgeshire offering bespoke support, EEF evidence informed training opportunities as well as conferences and opportunities to network with others working in Early Years.  The hub is fully funded, meaning the offer will always be free to those who take part. The team running the hub are all working within the schools/settings currently and want to offer support across the whole Early Years sector.  

If you are a childminder, working in a PVI or school/maintained nursery class and would like more information and to join our network, please sign up to the hub here:

East of England Early Years Stronger Practice Hub Sign Up

Alternatively, you can email the hub at or call 01473 742534 to discuss further. We look forward to hearing from you. 

Watch a short video about the hub here:

East of England Early Years Stronger Practice Hub - Meet the team… - YouTube

You can also follow us on Facebook (East of England Early Year Stronger Practice Hub), X (@EastEYSPH) and Instagram (@eastofenglandeysph)

To find out more about Stronger Practice hubs across England, use this link 

The Hubs | Stronger Practice Hubs